Source: source/httputils.js

const CRLFCRLF = '\r\n\r\n';

 * Shim for 'Object.fromEntries'
function itemsToObject(items) {
  if (typeof Object.fromEntries !== 'undefined') {
    return Object.fromEntries(items);
  const obj = {};
  for (const [key, value] of items) {
    obj[key.toLowerCase()] = value;
  return obj;

 * Parse HTTP headers from a given string.
 * @param {String} text the text to parse the headers from
 * @returns {Object} the parsed headers with lowercase keys
function parseHeaders(text) {
  const items = text
    .map((line) => {
      const kv = line.split(':').map((str) => str.trim());
      kv[0] = kv[0].toLowerCase();
      return kv;

  return itemsToObject(items);

 * Parse a 'Content-Type' header value to the content-type and parameters
 * @param {String} rawContentType the raw string to parse from
 * @returns {Object} the parsed content type with the fields: type and params
export function parseContentType(rawContentType) {
  const [type, ...rawParams] = rawContentType.split(';').map((s) => s.trim());
  const paramsItems = => param.split('='));
  return { type, params: itemsToObject(paramsItems) };

 * Parse a 'Content-Range' header value to its start, end, and total parts
 * @param {String} rawContentRange the raw string to parse from
 * @returns {Object} the parsed parts
export function parseContentRange(rawContentRange) {
  let start;
  let end;
  let total;

  if (rawContentRange) {
    [, start, end, total] = rawContentRange.match(/bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)/);
    start = parseInt(start, 10);
    end = parseInt(end, 10);
    total = parseInt(total, 10);

  return { start, end, total };

 * Parses a list of byteranges from the given 'multipart/byteranges' HTTP response.
 * Each item in the list has the following properties:
 * - headers: the HTTP headers
 * - data: the sliced ArrayBuffer for that specific part
 * - offset: the offset of the byterange within its originating file
 * - length: the length of the byterange
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} responseArrayBuffer the response to be parsed and split
 * @param {String} boundary the boundary string used to split the sections
 * @returns {Object[]} the parsed byteranges
export function parseByteRanges(responseArrayBuffer, boundary) {
  let offset = null;
  const decoder = new TextDecoder('ascii');
  const out = [];

  const startBoundary = `--${boundary}`;
  const endBoundary = `${startBoundary}--`;

  // search for the initial boundary, may be offset by some bytes
  // TODO: more efficient to check for `--` in bytes directly
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    const text = decoder.decode(
      new Uint8Array(responseArrayBuffer, i, startBoundary.length),
    if (text === startBoundary) {
      offset = i;

  if (offset === null) {
    throw new Error('Could not find initial boundary');

  while (offset < responseArrayBuffer.byteLength) {
    const text = decoder.decode(
      new Uint8Array(responseArrayBuffer, offset,
        Math.min(startBoundary.length + 1024, responseArrayBuffer.byteLength - offset),

    // break if we arrived at the end
    if (text.length === 0 || text.startsWith(endBoundary)) {

    // assert that we are actually dealing with a byterange and are at the correct offset
    if (!text.startsWith(startBoundary)) {
      throw new Error('Part does not start with boundary');

    // get a substring from where we read the headers
    const innerText = text.substr(startBoundary.length + 2);

    if (innerText.length === 0) {

    // find the double linebreak that denotes the end of the headers
    const endOfHeaders = innerText.indexOf(CRLFCRLF);

    // parse the headers to get the content range size
    const headers = parseHeaders(innerText.substr(0, endOfHeaders));
    const { start, end, total } = parseContentRange(headers['content-range']);

    // calculate the length of the slice and the next offset
    const startOfData = offset + startBoundary.length + endOfHeaders + CRLFCRLF.length;
    const length = parseInt(end, 10) + 1 - parseInt(start, 10);
      data: responseArrayBuffer.slice(startOfData, startOfData + length),
      offset: start,
      fileSize: total,

    offset = startOfData + length + 4;

  return out;