Source: geotiff.js

/** @module geotiff */
import GeoTIFFImage from './geotiffimage.js';
import DataView64 from './dataview64.js';
import DataSlice from './dataslice.js';
import Pool from './pool.js';

import { makeRemoteSource, makeCustomSource } from './source/remote.js';
import { makeBufferSource } from './source/arraybuffer.js';
import { makeFileReaderSource } from './source/filereader.js';
import { makeFileSource } from './source/file.js';
import { BaseClient, BaseResponse } from './source/client/base.js';

import { fieldTypes, fieldTagNames, arrayFields, geoKeyNames } from './globals.js';
import { writeGeotiff } from './geotiffwriter.js';
import * as globals from './globals.js';
import * as rgb from './rgb.js';
import { getDecoder, addDecoder } from './compression/index.js';
import { setLogger } from './logging.js';

export { globals };
export { rgb };
export { default as BaseDecoder } from './compression/basedecoder.js';
export { getDecoder, addDecoder };
export { setLogger };

 * @typedef {Uint8Array | Int8Array | Uint16Array | Int16Array | Uint32Array | Int32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array}
 * TypedArray

 * @typedef {{ height:number, width: number }} Dimensions

 * The autogenerated docs are a little confusing here. The effective type is:
 * `TypedArray & { height: number; width: number}`
 * @typedef {TypedArray & Dimensions} TypedArrayWithDimensions

 * The autogenerated docs are a little confusing here. The effective type is:
 * `TypedArray[] & { height: number; width: number}`
 * @typedef {TypedArray[] & Dimensions} TypedArrayArrayWithDimensions

 *  The autogenerated docs are a little confusing here. The effective type is:
 * `(TypedArray | TypedArray[]) & { height: number; width: number}`
 * @typedef {TypedArrayWithDimensions | TypedArrayArrayWithDimensions} ReadRasterResult

function getFieldTypeLength(fieldType) {
  switch (fieldType) {
    case fieldTypes.BYTE: case fieldTypes.ASCII: case fieldTypes.SBYTE: case fieldTypes.UNDEFINED:
      return 1;
    case fieldTypes.SHORT: case fieldTypes.SSHORT:
      return 2;
    case fieldTypes.LONG: case fieldTypes.SLONG: case fieldTypes.FLOAT: case fieldTypes.IFD:
      return 4;
    case fieldTypes.RATIONAL: case fieldTypes.SRATIONAL: case fieldTypes.DOUBLE:
    case fieldTypes.LONG8: case fieldTypes.SLONG8: case fieldTypes.IFD8:
      return 8;
      throw new RangeError(`Invalid field type: ${fieldType}`);

function parseGeoKeyDirectory(fileDirectory) {
  const rawGeoKeyDirectory = fileDirectory.GeoKeyDirectory;
  if (!rawGeoKeyDirectory) {
    return null;

  const geoKeyDirectory = {};
  for (let i = 4; i <= rawGeoKeyDirectory[3] * 4; i += 4) {
    const key = geoKeyNames[rawGeoKeyDirectory[i]];
    const location = (rawGeoKeyDirectory[i + 1])
      ? (fieldTagNames[rawGeoKeyDirectory[i + 1]]) : null;
    const count = rawGeoKeyDirectory[i + 2];
    const offset = rawGeoKeyDirectory[i + 3];

    let value = null;
    if (!location) {
      value = offset;
    } else {
      value = fileDirectory[location];
      if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) {
        throw new Error(`Could not get value of geoKey '${key}'.`);
      } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
        value = value.substring(offset, offset + count - 1);
      } else if (value.subarray) {
        value = value.subarray(offset, offset + count);
        if (count === 1) {
          value = value[0];
    geoKeyDirectory[key] = value;
  return geoKeyDirectory;

function getValues(dataSlice, fieldType, count, offset) {
  let values = null;
  let readMethod = null;
  const fieldTypeLength = getFieldTypeLength(fieldType);

  switch (fieldType) {
    case fieldTypes.BYTE: case fieldTypes.ASCII: case fieldTypes.UNDEFINED:
      values = new Uint8Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readUint8;
    case fieldTypes.SBYTE:
      values = new Int8Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readInt8;
    case fieldTypes.SHORT:
      values = new Uint16Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readUint16;
    case fieldTypes.SSHORT:
      values = new Int16Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readInt16;
    case fieldTypes.LONG: case fieldTypes.IFD:
      values = new Uint32Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readUint32;
    case fieldTypes.SLONG:
      values = new Int32Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readInt32;
    case fieldTypes.LONG8: case fieldTypes.IFD8:
      values = new Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readUint64;
    case fieldTypes.SLONG8:
      values = new Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readInt64;
    case fieldTypes.RATIONAL:
      values = new Uint32Array(count * 2); readMethod = dataSlice.readUint32;
    case fieldTypes.SRATIONAL:
      values = new Int32Array(count * 2); readMethod = dataSlice.readInt32;
    case fieldTypes.FLOAT:
      values = new Float32Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readFloat32;
    case fieldTypes.DOUBLE:
      values = new Float64Array(count); readMethod = dataSlice.readFloat64;
      throw new RangeError(`Invalid field type: ${fieldType}`);

  // normal fields
  if (!(fieldType === fieldTypes.RATIONAL || fieldType === fieldTypes.SRATIONAL)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
      values[i] =
        dataSlice, offset + (i * fieldTypeLength),
  } else { // RATIONAL or SRATIONAL
    for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
      values[i] =
        dataSlice, offset + (i * fieldTypeLength),
      values[i + 1] =
        dataSlice, offset + ((i * fieldTypeLength) + 4),

  if (fieldType === fieldTypes.ASCII) {
    return new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(values);
  return values;

 * Data class to store the parsed file directory (+ its raw form), geo key directory and
 * offset to the next IFD
class ImageFileDirectory {
   * Create an ImageFileDirectory.
   * @param {object} fileDirectory the file directory, mapping tag names to values
   * @param {Map} rawFileDirectory the raw file directory, mapping tag IDs to values
   * @param {object} geoKeyDirectory the geo key directory, mapping geo key names to values
   * @param {number} nextIFDByteOffset the byte offset to the next IFD
  constructor(fileDirectory, rawFileDirectory, geoKeyDirectory, nextIFDByteOffset) {
    this.fileDirectory = fileDirectory;
    this.rawFileDirectory = rawFileDirectory;
    this.geoKeyDirectory = geoKeyDirectory;
    this.nextIFDByteOffset = nextIFDByteOffset;

 * Error class for cases when an IFD index was requested, that does not exist
 * in the file.
class GeoTIFFImageIndexError extends Error {
  constructor(index) {
    super(`No image at index ${index}`);
    this.index = index;

class GeoTIFFBase {
   * (experimental) Reads raster data from the best fitting image. This function uses
   * the image with the lowest resolution that is still a higher resolution than the
   * requested resolution.
   * When specified, the `bbox` option is translated to the `window` option and the
   * `resX` and `resY` to `width` and `height` respectively.
   * Then, the [readRasters]{@link GeoTIFFImage#readRasters} method of the selected
   * image is called and the result returned.
   * @see GeoTIFFImage.readRasters
   * @param {import('./geotiffimage').ReadRasterOptions} [options={}] optional parameters
   * @returns {Promise<ReadRasterResult>} the decoded array(s), with `height` and `width`, as a promise
  async readRasters(options = {}) {
    const { window: imageWindow, width, height } = options;
    let { resX, resY, bbox } = options;

    const firstImage = await this.getImage();
    let usedImage = firstImage;
    const imageCount = await this.getImageCount();
    const imgBBox = firstImage.getBoundingBox();

    if (imageWindow && bbox) {
      throw new Error('Both "bbox" and "window" passed.');

    // if width/height is passed, transform it to resolution
    if (width || height) {
      // if we have an image window (pixel coordinates), transform it to a BBox
      // using the origin/resolution of the first image.
      if (imageWindow) {
        const [oX, oY] = firstImage.getOrigin();
        const [rX, rY] = firstImage.getResolution();

        bbox = [
          oX + (imageWindow[0] * rX),
          oY + (imageWindow[1] * rY),
          oX + (imageWindow[2] * rX),
          oY + (imageWindow[3] * rY),

      // if we have a bbox (or calculated one)

      const usedBBox = bbox || imgBBox;

      if (width) {
        if (resX) {
          throw new Error('Both width and resX passed');
        resX = (usedBBox[2] - usedBBox[0]) / width;
      if (height) {
        if (resY) {
          throw new Error('Both width and resY passed');
        resY = (usedBBox[3] - usedBBox[1]) / height;

    // if resolution is set or calculated, try to get the image with the worst acceptable resolution
    if (resX || resY) {
      const allImages = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < imageCount; ++i) {
        const image = await this.getImage(i);
        const { SubfileType: subfileType, NewSubfileType: newSubfileType } = image.fileDirectory;
        if (i === 0 || subfileType === 2 || newSubfileType & 1) {

      allImages.sort((a, b) => a.getWidth() - b.getWidth());
      for (let i = 0; i < allImages.length; ++i) {
        const image = allImages[i];
        const imgResX = (imgBBox[2] - imgBBox[0]) / image.getWidth();
        const imgResY = (imgBBox[3] - imgBBox[1]) / image.getHeight();

        usedImage = image;
        if ((resX && resX > imgResX) || (resY && resY > imgResY)) {

    let wnd = imageWindow;
    if (bbox) {
      const [oX, oY] = firstImage.getOrigin();
      const [imageResX, imageResY] = usedImage.getResolution(firstImage);

      wnd = [
        Math.round((bbox[0] - oX) / imageResX),
        Math.round((bbox[1] - oY) / imageResY),
        Math.round((bbox[2] - oX) / imageResX),
        Math.round((bbox[3] - oY) / imageResY),
      wnd = [
        Math.min(wnd[0], wnd[2]),
        Math.min(wnd[1], wnd[3]),
        Math.max(wnd[0], wnd[2]),
        Math.max(wnd[1], wnd[3]),

    return usedImage.readRasters({ ...options, window: wnd });

 * @typedef {Object} GeoTIFFOptions
 * @property {boolean} [cache=false] whether or not decoded tiles shall be cached.

 * The abstraction for a whole GeoTIFF file.
 * @augments GeoTIFFBase
class GeoTIFF extends GeoTIFFBase {
   * @constructor
   * @param {*} source The datasource to read from.
   * @param {boolean} littleEndian Whether the image uses little endian.
   * @param {boolean} bigTiff Whether the image uses bigTIFF conventions.
   * @param {number} firstIFDOffset The numeric byte-offset from the start of the image
   *                                to the first IFD.
   * @param {GeoTIFFOptions} [options] further options.
  constructor(source, littleEndian, bigTiff, firstIFDOffset, options = {}) {
    this.source = source;
    this.littleEndian = littleEndian;
    this.bigTiff = bigTiff;
    this.firstIFDOffset = firstIFDOffset;
    this.cache = options.cache || false;
    this.ifdRequests = [];
    this.ghostValues = null;

  async getSlice(offset, size) {
    const fallbackSize = this.bigTiff ? 4048 : 1024;
    return new DataSlice(
      (await this.source.fetch([{
        length: typeof size !== 'undefined' ? size : fallbackSize,

   * Instructs to parse an image file directory at the given file offset.
   * As there is no way to ensure that a location is indeed the start of an IFD,
   * this function must be called with caution (e.g only using the IFD offsets from
   * the headers or other IFDs).
   * @param {number} offset the offset to parse the IFD at
   * @returns {Promise<ImageFileDirectory>} the parsed IFD
  async parseFileDirectoryAt(offset) {
    const entrySize = this.bigTiff ? 20 : 12;
    const offsetSize = this.bigTiff ? 8 : 2;

    let dataSlice = await this.getSlice(offset);
    const numDirEntries = this.bigTiff
      ? dataSlice.readUint64(offset)
      : dataSlice.readUint16(offset);

    // if the slice does not cover the whole IFD, request a bigger slice, where the
    // whole IFD fits: num of entries + n x tag length + offset to next IFD
    const byteSize = (numDirEntries * entrySize) + (this.bigTiff ? 16 : 6);
    if (!dataSlice.covers(offset, byteSize)) {
      dataSlice = await this.getSlice(offset, byteSize);

    const fileDirectory = {};
    const rawFileDirectory = new Map();

    // loop over the IFD and create a file directory object
    let i = offset + (this.bigTiff ? 8 : 2);
    for (let entryCount = 0; entryCount < numDirEntries; i += entrySize, ++entryCount) {
      const fieldTag = dataSlice.readUint16(i);
      const fieldType = dataSlice.readUint16(i + 2);
      const typeCount = this.bigTiff
        ? dataSlice.readUint64(i + 4)
        : dataSlice.readUint32(i + 4);

      let fieldValues;
      let value;
      const fieldTypeLength = getFieldTypeLength(fieldType);
      const valueOffset = i + (this.bigTiff ? 12 : 8);

      // check whether the value is directly encoded in the tag or refers to a
      // different external byte range
      if (fieldTypeLength * typeCount <= (this.bigTiff ? 8 : 4)) {
        fieldValues = getValues(dataSlice, fieldType, typeCount, valueOffset);
      } else {
        // resolve the reference to the actual byte range
        const actualOffset = dataSlice.readOffset(valueOffset);
        const length = getFieldTypeLength(fieldType) * typeCount;

        // check, whether we actually cover the referenced byte range; if not,
        // request a new slice of bytes to read from it
        if (dataSlice.covers(actualOffset, length)) {
          fieldValues = getValues(dataSlice, fieldType, typeCount, actualOffset);
        } else {
          const fieldDataSlice = await this.getSlice(actualOffset, length);
          fieldValues = getValues(fieldDataSlice, fieldType, typeCount, actualOffset);

      // unpack single values from the array
      if (typeCount === 1 && arrayFields.indexOf(fieldTag) === -1
        && !(fieldType === fieldTypes.RATIONAL || fieldType === fieldTypes.SRATIONAL)) {
        value = fieldValues[0];
      } else {
        value = fieldValues;

      // write the tags value to the file directory
      const tagName = fieldTagNames[fieldTag];
      if (tagName) {
        fileDirectory[tagName] = value;
      rawFileDirectory.set(fieldTag, value);
    const geoKeyDirectory = parseGeoKeyDirectory(fileDirectory);
    const nextIFDByteOffset = dataSlice.readOffset(
      offset + offsetSize + (entrySize * numDirEntries),

    return new ImageFileDirectory(

  async requestIFD(index) {
    // see if we already have that IFD index requested.
    if (this.ifdRequests[index]) {
      // attach to an already requested IFD
      return this.ifdRequests[index];
    } else if (index === 0) {
      // special case for index 0
      this.ifdRequests[index] = this.parseFileDirectoryAt(this.firstIFDOffset);
      return this.ifdRequests[index];
    } else if (!this.ifdRequests[index - 1]) {
      // if the previous IFD was not yet loaded, load that one first
      // this is the recursive call.
      try {
        this.ifdRequests[index - 1] = this.requestIFD(index - 1);
      } catch (e) {
        // if the previous one already was an index error, rethrow
        // with the current index
        if (e instanceof GeoTIFFImageIndexError) {
          throw new GeoTIFFImageIndexError(index);
        // rethrow anything else
        throw e;
    // if the previous IFD was loaded, we can finally fetch the one we are interested in.
    // we need to wrap this in an IIFE, otherwise this.ifdRequests[index] would be delayed
    this.ifdRequests[index] = (async () => {
      const previousIfd = await this.ifdRequests[index - 1];
      if (previousIfd.nextIFDByteOffset === 0) {
        throw new GeoTIFFImageIndexError(index);
      return this.parseFileDirectoryAt(previousIfd.nextIFDByteOffset);
    return this.ifdRequests[index];

   * Get the n-th internal subfile of an image. By default, the first is returned.
   * @param {number} [index=0] the index of the image to return.
   * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFFImage>} the image at the given index
  async getImage(index = 0) {
    const ifd = await this.requestIFD(index);
    return new GeoTIFFImage(
      ifd.fileDirectory, ifd.geoKeyDirectory,
      this.dataView, this.littleEndian, this.cache, this.source,

   * Returns the count of the internal subfiles.
   * @returns {Promise<number>} the number of internal subfile images
  async getImageCount() {
    let index = 0;
    // loop until we run out of IFDs
    let hasNext = true;
    while (hasNext) {
      try {
        await this.requestIFD(index);
      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof GeoTIFFImageIndexError) {
          hasNext = false;
        } else {
          throw e;
    return index;

   * Get the values of the COG ghost area as a parsed map.
   * See for reference
   * @returns {Promise<Object>} the parsed ghost area or null, if no such area was found
  async getGhostValues() {
    const offset = this.bigTiff ? 16 : 8;
    if (this.ghostValues) {
      return this.ghostValues;
    const detectionString = 'GDAL_STRUCTURAL_METADATA_SIZE=';
    const heuristicAreaSize = detectionString.length + 100;
    let slice = await this.getSlice(offset, heuristicAreaSize);
    if (detectionString === getValues(slice, fieldTypes.ASCII, detectionString.length, offset)) {
      const valuesString = getValues(slice, fieldTypes.ASCII, heuristicAreaSize, offset);
      const firstLine = valuesString.split('\n')[0];
      const metadataSize = Number(firstLine.split('=')[1].split(' ')[0]) + firstLine.length;
      if (metadataSize > heuristicAreaSize) {
        slice = await this.getSlice(offset, metadataSize);
      const fullString = getValues(slice, fieldTypes.ASCII, metadataSize, offset);
      this.ghostValues = {};
        .filter((line) => line.length > 0)
        .map((line) => line.split('='))
        .forEach(([key, value]) => {
          this.ghostValues[key] = value;
    return this.ghostValues;

   * Parse a (Geo)TIFF file from the given source.
   * @param {*} source The source of data to parse from.
   * @param {GeoTIFFOptions} [options] Additional options.
   * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
   *                               to be aborted
  static async fromSource(source, options, signal) {
    const headerData = (await source.fetch([{ offset: 0, length: 1024 }], signal))[0];
    const dataView = new DataView64(headerData);

    const BOM = dataView.getUint16(0, 0);
    let littleEndian;
    if (BOM === 0x4949) {
      littleEndian = true;
    } else if (BOM === 0x4D4D) {
      littleEndian = false;
    } else {
      throw new TypeError('Invalid byte order value.');

    const magicNumber = dataView.getUint16(2, littleEndian);
    let bigTiff;
    if (magicNumber === 42) {
      bigTiff = false;
    } else if (magicNumber === 43) {
      bigTiff = true;
      const offsetByteSize = dataView.getUint16(4, littleEndian);
      if (offsetByteSize !== 8) {
        throw new Error('Unsupported offset byte-size.');
    } else {
      throw new TypeError('Invalid magic number.');

    const firstIFDOffset = bigTiff
      ? dataView.getUint64(8, littleEndian)
      : dataView.getUint32(4, littleEndian);
    return new GeoTIFF(source, littleEndian, bigTiff, firstIFDOffset, options);

   * Closes the underlying file buffer
   * N.B. After the GeoTIFF has been completely processed it needs
   * to be closed but only if it has been constructed from a file.
  close() {
    if (typeof this.source.close === 'function') {
      return this.source.close();
    return false;

export { GeoTIFF };
export default GeoTIFF;

 * Wrapper for GeoTIFF files that have external overviews.
 * @augments GeoTIFFBase
class MultiGeoTIFF extends GeoTIFFBase {
   * Construct a new MultiGeoTIFF from a main and several overview files.
   * @param {GeoTIFF} mainFile The main GeoTIFF file.
   * @param {GeoTIFF[]} overviewFiles An array of overview files.
  constructor(mainFile, overviewFiles) {
    this.mainFile = mainFile;
    this.overviewFiles = overviewFiles;
    this.imageFiles = [mainFile].concat(overviewFiles);

    this.fileDirectoriesPerFile = null;
    this.fileDirectoriesPerFileParsing = null;
    this.imageCount = null;

  async parseFileDirectoriesPerFile() {
    const requests = [this.mainFile.parseFileDirectoryAt(this.mainFile.firstIFDOffset)]
      .concat( => file.parseFileDirectoryAt(file.firstIFDOffset)));

    this.fileDirectoriesPerFile = await Promise.all(requests);
    return this.fileDirectoriesPerFile;

   * Get the n-th internal subfile of an image. By default, the first is returned.
   * @param {number} [index=0] the index of the image to return.
   * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFFImage>} the image at the given index
  async getImage(index = 0) {
    await this.getImageCount();
    await this.parseFileDirectoriesPerFile();
    let visited = 0;
    let relativeIndex = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.imageFiles.length; i++) {
      const imageFile = this.imageFiles[i];
      for (let ii = 0; ii < this.imageCounts[i]; ii++) {
        if (index === visited) {
          const ifd = await imageFile.requestIFD(relativeIndex);
          return new GeoTIFFImage(
            ifd.fileDirectory, ifd.geoKeyDirectory,
            imageFile.dataView, imageFile.littleEndian, imageFile.cache, imageFile.source,
      relativeIndex = 0;

    throw new RangeError('Invalid image index');

   * Returns the count of the internal subfiles.
   * @returns {Promise<number>} the number of internal subfile images
  async getImageCount() {
    if (this.imageCount !== null) {
      return this.imageCount;
    const requests = [this.mainFile.getImageCount()]
      .concat( => file.getImageCount()));
    this.imageCounts = await Promise.all(requests);
    this.imageCount = this.imageCounts.reduce((count, ifds) => count + ifds, 0);
    return this.imageCount;

export { MultiGeoTIFF };

 * Creates a new GeoTIFF from a remote URL.
 * @param {string} url The URL to access the image from
 * @param {object} [options] Additional options to pass to the source.
 *                           See {@link makeRemoteSource} for details.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFF>} The resulting GeoTIFF file.
export async function fromUrl(url, options = {}, signal) {
  return GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeRemoteSource(url, options), signal);

 * Creates a new GeoTIFF from a custom {@link BaseClient}.
 * @param {BaseClient} client The client.
 * @param {object} [options] Additional options to pass to the source.
 *                           See {@link makeRemoteSource} for details.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFF>} The resulting GeoTIFF file.
export async function fromCustomClient(client, options = {}, signal) {
  return GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeCustomSource(client, options), signal);

 * Construct a new GeoTIFF from an
 * [ArrayBuffer]{@link}.
 * @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer The data to read the file from.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFF>} The resulting GeoTIFF file.
export async function fromArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer, signal) {
  return GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeBufferSource(arrayBuffer), signal);

 * Construct a GeoTIFF from a local file path. This uses the node
 * [filesystem API]{@link} and is
 * not available on browsers.
 * N.B. After the GeoTIFF has been completely processed it needs
 * to be closed but only if it has been constructed from a file.
 * @param {string} path The file path to read from.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFF>} The resulting GeoTIFF file.
export async function fromFile(path, signal) {
  return GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeFileSource(path), signal);

 * Construct a GeoTIFF from an HTML
 * [Blob]{@link} or
 * [File]{@link}
 * object.
 * @param {Blob|File} blob The Blob or File object to read from.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<GeoTIFF>} The resulting GeoTIFF file.
export async function fromBlob(blob, signal) {
  return GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeFileReaderSource(blob), signal);

 * Construct a MultiGeoTIFF from the given URLs.
 * @param {string} mainUrl The URL for the main file.
 * @param {string[]} overviewUrls An array of URLs for the overview images.
 * @param {Object} [options] Additional options to pass to the source.
 *                           See [makeRemoteSource]{@link module:source.makeRemoteSource}
 *                           for details.
 * @param {AbortSignal} [signal] An AbortSignal that may be signalled if the request is
 *                               to be aborted
 * @returns {Promise<MultiGeoTIFF>} The resulting MultiGeoTIFF file.
export async function fromUrls(mainUrl, overviewUrls = [], options = {}, signal) {
  const mainFile = await GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeRemoteSource(mainUrl, options), signal);
  const overviewFiles = await Promise.all( => GeoTIFF.fromSource(makeRemoteSource(url, options))),

  return new MultiGeoTIFF(mainFile, overviewFiles);

 * Main creating function for GeoTIFF files.
 * @param {(Array)} array of pixel values
 * @returns {metadata} metadata
export function writeArrayBuffer(values, metadata) {
  return writeGeotiff(values, metadata);

export { Pool };
export { GeoTIFFImage };
export { BaseClient, BaseResponse };